Price of LibreOffice: Login, Support, Review

LibreOffice is free and open office suite software. This software helps you create and save documents in several formats.

Hence, in this article, we will be giving you every piece of information you need.

Also, we will be telling you the price of this software and all you should know about this software.Price of LibreOffice

Thus, make sure you give this article full attention to grab every piece of information you need.

Let’s walk you through what we were able to gather for you in today’s article.

Price of LibreOffice

Anyone can access this software for free by visiting The homepage. Hence, all you have to do is visit the homepage.

Then, click on the ‘Download Now’ button to download LibreOffice to your devices.

Having said that, let’s have a look at other LibreOffice-related software:

  •  Writer

The LibreOffice Writer is a word processing tool. It comes with basic features found in other similar programs.

Also, this software comes with an autocorrect dictionary and autocomplete feature.

However, visit the homepage for more information.

  • Calc

LibreOffice Calc is a simple spreadsheet program. It has a wizard guide to help you pick up content from databases.

Visit the homepage for more information.

  •  Impress

This software is a slideshow-creation tool. It comes with several views, like a handout, outline, normal, notes, and slide sorter.

Also, it comes with 3D imaging tools, animation functions, and a presenter console.

Hence, it also allows you to download templates from extensions.

For more information, visit Discover/impress.

  •  Draw

LibreOffice Draw is a graphic editing program. It is perfect for designing flowcharts, network diagrams, and other technical drawings.

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It also has freehand tools, object grouping functions, and displays dimension lines.

Thus, visit Discover or Draw.

  • Base

This software allows you to build a custom database. Hence, you can create a custom database for all its Suite programs.

Hence, you can visit Discover/base.

  •  Math

LibreOffice Math is an advanced formula editor. Hence, this software can operate on its own or within LibreOffice programs.

Thus, you can also create scientific and mathematical formulas with different elements.

Having said that, visit Discover/math.

  •  Charts

This software allows you to create pie charts, 2D and 3D charts, dot charts, and trend graphs.

Also, it can operate on its own or within the software programs.

Hence, for more information, visit Discover/Charts.


Here are some top features:

  • Document Capture
  • There are various options available for publishing content.
  • Document Generation
  • Collaboration Tools
  • Data Import/Export
  • Document Classification
  • File Sharing
  • Document Storage
  • File Conversion
  • API
  • Access Controls/Permissions
  • Full-Text Search

Merits and Demerits

  • Merits

I love LibreOffice for standalone use. Its menu arrangements are better than those of Microsoft products. Also, this software is great for opening older documents.

Users can run this software on any operating system and even use it online.

LibreOffice has good support for top-leading office productivity software. Hence, this software is mature and stable.

I like LibreOffice because it’s free and a good replacement for Microsoft. Also, it improves over time.

  • Demerits

Some functions in LibreOffice can be a bit hard to find. Also, formatting data can be clumsy and carried out terribly.

Due to the missing cloud connection, I missed the chance for teamwork. And this was one of the reasons to switch to Microsoft Office.

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This software allows for fewer customizations.


Here is what some people have to say about LibreOffice:

LibreOffice comes with some LibreOffice features. Thus, it has a spreadsheet and other features. Hence, I don’t dislike this software for any reason so far.

Leslie V.

Owner, developer, and maintenance man

This software is free office software and has similar features to Microsoft Office. Also, it can convert documents to PDF with ease. Thus, when a LibreOffice document is opened in Microsoft Office, the format changes.

Muhamad S.

Product Specialist

This software looks and operates like Microsoft Office but without charge. Hence, this software is free, and it works well for everyone.

Nickey C.


This software is easy to use for a beginner. Hence, it does not only make up for your previous software but does more.

Radek T.


It can read Word document files as well as Excel and PowerPoint files. Also, you can create files that Microsoft Office can read. Although the software is free, it is as good as Microsoft Office.

Harlan E.

Practice Manager


Here are other platforms you can try out:

Deployment and Support

  • Deployment

Desktop: Linux

Desktop: Windows

Cloud, SaaS, and Web-Based

Desktop: Mac

  • Support


Email/Help Desk

Knowledge Base


You can check out our post on the price of Hubspot here.

Reference Links


Community support

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does LibreOffice cost?

Anyone can access the software for free.

What is LibreOffice?

This software is free and open Office Suite software. This software helps you create and save documents in several formats.

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  • Rose Bryan

    Rose Bryan has spent time observing, coding and developing material for software development. Bulk of the times have been spent educating mostly the younger generation in the area coding and learning coding. Rose Bryan will always keep an eagle eyes on what’s new and good coding skills out there. But that’s just one piece of the puzzle. Rose Bryan also contributes expert commentary for personal, college and community software development projects.You can contact me at https://pricemit.comFacebook, TwitterPricemit Pinterest Account, and LinkedIn page.Email if you’d like input on a news story on feature you are writing.

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