
Price of Smartsheet: Login, Support, Review

 Smartsheet is an online work platform. This platform enables you to plan, track, automate, and report on work.

Hence, with its flexible CRM, you can manage your contacts, customers, leads, sales, and more all in one place.Price of Smartsheet


But this article will guide you through all you need to know about Smartsheet and the price of Smartsheet. We will guide you through the features of Smartsheet and more.

But make sure you glance through this article to grab every bit of information.

Now, let’s start spilling all we know.

The pricing of Smartsheet

This amazing software offers a free plan alongside three amazing pricing plans. Smartsheet offers a free plan alongside three amazing pricing plans to help you efficiently manage all your projects in one centralized location.

Having said that, let’s give you the price of each plan and its features:

· Free

The Free plan allows you access to some features for free.

Hence, this plan allows one user and up to two editors.

Below are the Free Plan features:

  • · Gantt, Grid, Card, and Calendar views
  • · 100 automation per month
  • · Dashboards and reports
  • · 500 MB of attachment storage
  • · Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, or Apple ID login access
  • · Allow up to two editors.
  • · 2 sheets
  • · Help and Learning Center
  • · Community support


The Pro plan offers a free trial and allows up to 10 users and unlimited viewers.

Hence, this plan costs 9 USD per user/month, billed monthly, and 7 USD per user/month, billed yearly.

This plan comes with the features below:

  • · 20 GB of attachment storage
  • · 250 automation per month
  • · Unlimited free viewers
  • · Unlimited dashboards, reports, and forms
  • · Up to 10 editors (Yet a paid license is what you need to edit.)
  • · Microsoft 365, Slack, Box, Teams, Dropbox, and Google Workspace combinations
  • · User Management
  • · Email support
  • · Unlimited sheets and everything in the free plan
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The pricing plan comes highly recommended and includes a free trial. It allows up to three users and unlimited editors.

But the Business plan costs 32 USD per user per month, billed monthly. You will only pay 25 USD per user per month, billed yearly.


Having said that, there are some amazing features linked to this plan. Hence, below are the features of the Business Plan:


  • · Baselines
  • · Smartsheet University instructor-led and on-demand training
  • · Standard and Professional Support
  • · Publish sheets, reports, and dashboards.
  • · Unlimited free editors
  • · User, group, and license management
  • · Document builder
  • · Activity log
  • · 1 TB of attachment storage
  • · Unlimited automation
  • Resource Management by Smartsheet, BrandFolderr, Adobe Creative Cloud, Tableau, andPowerBI Integrations
  • · Forms with conditional logic
  • · Proofreading and everything in the Pro Plan


Click the link below to see the Enterprise plan price:

Pricing for enterprises

Yet, below are features of the Enterprise plan:


  • · Data retention policies, event reporting, and customer-managed encryption keys
  • · Manage processes at scale.
  • · DocuSign integration
  • · WorkApps: organized experiences depending on user roles
  • · Work Insights: Instantly, it analyzes your data.
  • · Unlimited attachment storage
  • · Chargeback reports
  • · Standard Support and access to Pro Support
  • · Enterprise Plan Manager
  • · Allows connected systems of record to arrange workflows across the enterprise
  • · Domain validation
  • · Custom email domains
  • · Single sign-on/SAML
  • · Directory integration and account discovery are included in

You can also see the price of Hubspot here.

Now, for more details about pricing plans and their features, visit pricing.


Below are some of the top features:

  • · Contact Management
  • · Document Storage
  • · Mobile Access
  • · Lead Management
  • · Task Management
  • · Workflow Management
  • · Activity Dashboard
  • · Quotes/Estimates


“It can multitask. Hence, you do not need several pieces of software to perform each task. However, the interface was quite bad a few years ago, but it has been fixed now, and more people are purchasing this software.

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Mohammad A.

Software Developer

“There are several features that smart sheets offer that big companies do not. Hence, this amazing software is user-friendly, and it offers everything our company needs.”

Heather k.

Communications director

Pros and cons


“We keep sheets and can use forms to capture needed data into a spreadsheet. It’s been a great asset and a great tool.”

“The most useful features that I like about this amazing software are the automation and collaboration.”

“The speed at which they are improving the platform with new functions and features is beyond amazing.”


“I miss the general definition of “project,” which makes it hard to group sheets that have the same project.”

“Going back and hiding 20 columns again afterward is very frustrating.”

“It’s also a bit hard to tell where user error plays a role in numerical mistakes, and I will like to see more effort put into these areas.”


Below are other options:

  • · Jira
  • · Celoxis

  • · Asana

Deployment and Support

· Deployment

Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based

Mobile – Android

Mobile – iPhone/iPad

  • · Support

Email/Help Desk

Knowledge Base

Phone Support


  • · Training

In Person

Live Online




Reference Links

Home Page

Plan pricing


Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Smartsheet?

As mentioned earlier, this software is an online work platform. It enables you to plan, track, automate, and report on work.

How much does Smartsheet cost?

Smartsheet offers a free plan alongside three amazing pricing plans. It helps manage your projects all in one place.

Yet, the Pro plan costs 9 USD per user/month, billed monthly, and 7 USD per user/month, billed yearly.

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While, the Business plan costs 32 USD per user/month, billed monthly, and 25 USD per user/month, billed yearly.

For the price of the Enterprise plan, visit the pricing enterprise.


  • Jeremy Bridge

    Jeremy Bridge is a PriceMIT software local beginner’s teacher. He is a specialist in Software for Beginners FAQ. I have been working in the field of software development and coding for kids projects for over a decade. His expertise includes both online and physical software training and reviews. You can contact me at https://pricemit.comFacebook, TwitterPricemit Pinterest Account, and LinkedIn page. In the days of his studies, I examined the software industry through the prism of critical theory, philosophy, and science theory. I is a social campaigner for early artificial intelligence for our kids, and I do it with pride. He loves playing with kids and is a software enthusiast. In her quote: "I aspire to contribute to younger generation software awareness. Software development allows us to freely and fully experience life. Hence, my goal is to help people have a deep understanding of the best strategies, as well as the biggest dos and don’ts when it comes to software coding and management."

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